Brilliant Strategies To Create Meta Descriptions For More Traffic And Conversions
There are a lot of things to do when it comes to market your company, especially if you are creating the writing for your products’ descriptions. Your work might range from choosing the right imagines to maximizing the factors of effective search engine optimization (SEO). Here, one thing that many e-commerce store owners get into trouble is how to make good meta descriptions.
The Understanding of Meta Description
To make it simple, a meta description is a kind of meta tag which is limited in the number of 155-160 characters; it works to summarize the content of a web page.
Meta descriptions also contribute to search results of search engines when they contain the keywords that are looking for. Although meta descriptions are not the factors for ranking. They play an important role in stimulate viewers to click through to your page and are part of effective on-page SEO. Meta descriptions are seen in a page’s code as <meta name=”description” content=.
Get to Know a Home Page Meta Description
It seems quite simple to create meta descriptions when you look through a list of pages of others. The point here is the simplicity that makes your work harder than it looks like. The word limit of 155 characters means the meta description cannot be longer than a tweet.
Moreover, the role of meta descriptions is to give readers a brief view of the whole content, including a surefire drive to click the title tag. They are so quick and painless that majority of searchers don’t notice that they click on a link to simply satisfy their curiosity that meta descriptions are making on them.
Discover a Product Page Meta Description
Compared to a home page, writing meta descriptions for your product pages seems easier when you are not in charge of presenting your business as a whole in one sentence.
In the case of a product page, the most essential thing that you need to present is tangible benefits to buyers. For example, if you are selling plain shirts, make sure you let the readers know how this shirt makes you look brighter. Or if your product is bookshelves, have the readers imagine how simple and easy it will be in your study room.
Steps to Write an Appealing Meta Description
Now you may know how important a meta description to a home page and product page. You must want to know how to write a good one and make it a sharp tool to increase your business.
First of all, you need to answer two important questions: What are you selling? And Why should people buy from you?

What are you selling?
It might be not tough questions for product pages. The answer to the first question is simply the product you are offering. And the second question which could be simpler is that you are the one selling the product.
However, you need to take time to think a little more about meta descriptions for your home page where you definitely repeat and emphasize your brand. Here, the answer to the first question should be the thing that your whole store offers, and it is also the reason why they should choose to buy from you.
It is common that you might have some difficulties coming up with good meta descriptions, but be patient and take time to think about your brand. The fact that meta description is not a place for the thing like subtlety makes it necessary to let readers know what you do, what your unique selling proposition in many times.
Ask yourself the questions about how to make your customers return and say about your products. And if you have just started up, it is about how to get readers to know about your business.
To introduce your business to your customers, you probably need to formulate the description like you would an elevator pitch. It is essential to make some drafts first to have the best description before getting ready for your potential customers.
What Moment to Write a Meta Description
You don’t have to hurry to make the description right away or make it for every single page. Instead, keep in mind that these descriptions are created automatically by Google pulling from the web page’s content, and it is quite a flexible process. Therefore, optimizing a page is vital, but quite hard.
After hundreds of pages are completed, it is so difficult to go back and write meta descriptions for every single one. Instead, you should focus on the pages that get the most traffic, about ten or twenty pages. In addition, right after finishing a new page, the writer should write a meta description in the resource’s details page. It may be nothing in driving your SEO, but a big matter to force you to condense the whole page into a brief sentence. Then, this meta description will help you to determine if the following content is fulfilled.
Make Your Meta Description Become Your Best Salesperson
Again, the meta description acts as a promise that you make to readers. Based on that, your page is chosen among millions of web pages. For that reason, while writing your meta descriptions, always keep in your mind three following things.
1. No more than 155 characters
Cutting off halfway through the sentence is acceptable to write a meta description as long as you keep it under 155 characters.
2. Keep your customers in the center

The description is the place where the customers find your brand perfect to their needs
For your product pages, the descriptions should be created to show your customers how this product could improve the customers’ life. In terms of home pages, the description is the place where the customers find your brand perfect to their needs.
3. Always repeat
Apart from the title (you could read more here to find the right one), the meta description is probably the mere sentence your customers read to decide whether they click to continue reading your pages. Therefore, you don’t have much space to make an impression.
Once you find the main point that you would like to show your customers, choose the phrase and choice focusing on conveying that message.
Hopefully, this post is useful for you to understand the meta descriptions of each page, then you will have a speedy click-through rate.
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